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45:22 | MP4 1080P | 2.18Gb

I have been feeling so dizzy and weak for days now probably because I lost too much blood. Three days ago I attached six medical leeches to my nipples and I am bleeding since then. Leech therapy and heavy menstrual bleeding at the same time is proven to be too much for me. And to top it all, I will have a dental surgery tomorrow. Bad timing. Hopefully I will survive :)

Anyway, those little blood suckers are wonderful creatures. For me it was the very first time to try medical leeches, previously I could only use non blood sucking leeches in my movies like The Bait, Bath Diver. Medical leeches are different. It is unbelievable how they can multiply their body size in a few minutes. After feeding they don’t eat for even a year or more, what an economical way of living!

The feeling of their bite is not really painful, it felt like a little pinch, yet it is an exciting feeling. As they attached themselves to my body, they don’t leave until they are full of blood.
Before serving myself up I used a vacuum pump on my nipples to make their meal more delicious. They bit me avidly and started to suck my blood out. In a few minutes they became huge and fatty and they just fell off when they felt stuffed enough.

I was so happy that I did not have to worry about the blood this time, I was free to do anything, even “body painting” with blood :)

The after effect of the leech therapy is bleeding, I knew that and I was prepared for that but I thought it did not last for more than 2-3 hours. I was wrong. The continuous bleeding took for about 10 hours and then there was still a little bleeding for a day. I put on a tight bra and stuffed it with ‘sterile’ paper towels and changed it when they soaked through. Now there are only hardly visible wounds on my nipples which are healing very fast.

And what happened to the sated leeches? Of course we released them into a nearby river and I hope they will be happy for a year at least ;)